Updated Links with the latest Information from GDOT:

GDOT Main website

GDOT OPMR Research webpage

If you click on learn more about the 2024 GDOT/GTI EXPO it takes you here:
GDOT/GTI EXPO and Events

This gives you the details about events supporting the GDOT/GTI 12th Annual EXPO.
Scroll down to the calendar and select the event, then select launch to proceed to the TEAMS meeting.

7/16/2024 - Two additional panel discussions with GDOT Office Heads to talk about research needs and expectations.  All GTI members should have received an email with further details.  If not, please go to the calendar event and join the meeting and/or reach out to the GDOT research office (GDOTresearch@dot.ga.gov). 

Expo Flyer

Research Needs Statement




The Georgia Transportation Institute (GTI) was established in 1998 to coordinate and act as a focal point for transportation research in the state of Georgia. The lead institution, Georgia Institute of Technology, is affiliated with other members including Albany State University, Clark Atlanta University, Emory University, Georgia State University, Georgia Southern University, Kennesaw State University, Mercer University, Savannah State University, University of Georgia, and University of West Georgia. Researchers affiliated with GTI are active in research on a broad range of topics including policy and planning, environmental issues, transportation technology, transportation infrastructure, and traffic operations.

GTI Events

GTI is committed to getting research results into practice and providing opportunities to train professionals.


Thursday, April 18, 2019 - 10:50 to 11:50
Mason 1133
Georgia Transportation Institute welcomed the Director of University of Pennsylvania School of Design’s Center for Safe Mobility Carrie Sauer to speak as part of the Transportation Speaker Series. Streets are designed for vehicle efficiency. Engineers reference vehicle-based codes, use detailed mode... Read More
Thursday, March 28, 2019 - 22:50 to 23:50
Mason 1133
Georgia Transportation Institute welcomed State Traffic Engineer Andrew Heath to speak as part of the Transportation Speaker Series. The presentation provided a discussion and details to the approach taken by the Georgia Department of Transportation, City of Atlanta, Atlanta Police, the Super Host C... Read More
Thursday, November 8, 2018 - 10:50 to 11:45
“Continuum Dynamic Traffic Assignment Using the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram of Urban Networks” ABSTRACT: This presentation focuses on a formulation of the reactive dynamic user equilibrium problem in continuum form using a network-level Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD). Compared to e... Read More


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