Dr. Laurie A. Garrow - "Commuting in the age of the Jetsons: Predicting demand for an air taxi commuting service”

The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Dr. Laurie Garrow to speak at the Fall 2019 Transportation Speaker series. She is currently a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Associate Director of the Center for Urban and Regional Air Mobility (CURAM) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Dr. Garrow has published articles on airline passengers' behavior, discrete choice methods, and travel demand modeling. She is the author of a text entitled Discrete Choice Models of Air Travel Demand: Theory and Application. Among her leadership Dr. Garrow currently serves on the Board of Directors for two organizations: INFORMS and AGIFORS. She has previously served as President of the Transportation Science and Logistics Society of INFORMS and as Chair of the Aviation Applications Section of INFORMS. Dr. Garrow is the recipient of the ASCE Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Prize, the CUTC-ARTBA New Faculty Member Award, and an NSF CAREER award. Dr. Garrow has five years of industry experience, including four years as an analyst in the Research and Development Revenue Management Group of United Airlines and one year as an analyst in the Customer Science Unit of Mercer Management Consulting.

Dr. Laurie Garrow Lecture Flyer

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