GTI News

Approved Fall 2018 RTAG RNS submittals

The Georgia Department of Transportation has released the list of projects selected from the Fall 2018 RTAG submittals. Congratulations to the selected projects! Thanks to everyone who submitted a Research Needs Statement (RNS). The research community was highly engaged, with approximately 73 submitted needs statements.  GDOT research staff is currently contacting the project PIs and setting up the next steps in the process.

Congratulations to the selected projects from the fall 2016 RTAG submittals

The Georgia Department of Transportation has released the list of projects selected from the fall 2016 RTAG submittals. Congratulations to the selected projects. Thanks to everyone who submitted a Research Needs Statement (RNS). GDOT research staff is currently contacting the project PIs and setting up the next steps in the process.

Please watch this site for announcements regarding the fall 2017 RTAG RNS call.  Announcements will also be distributed through the GTI mailing list.   

GT's Ashuri wins Design-build Teaching Leadership Award

The Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA) has named Georgia Tech Associate Professor Baabak Ashuri as one of its top leaders in 2015, for his role in educating students about design-build processes.

GTI Associates Receive CEE@GT Awards

On November 23, Dr. Michael P. Hunter, GTI Director and Georgia Tech Associate Professor and researcher, Marjorie Jorgenson, an administrative professional who works with GTI, and Dr. Patricia Mokhtarian, Professor and Group Coordinator of the Transportation Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech, were among several individuals who received awards at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering's annual awards reception. 


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