Liz York - "Translating Health Science into Active Transportation – A Rosetta Stone for Cross disciplinary collaboration"

The Georgia Transportation Institute welcomes Liz York to speak at the Fall 2019 Transportation Speaker series. She currently serves as Senior Advisor for Buildings and Facilities for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She is a registered architect, and holds a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Architecture, both from the Georgia Institute of Technology. In her 20 years at CDC, she has been a link between public health scientists and facility management experts and has facilitated cross-sector collaborations that improve the health of our food system, our communities and our building by developing cross sector tools like FITWEL. Liz has received two White House awards for Sustainability, been named to the Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Sustainability Who’s Who, and has been recognized by the American Institute of Architects as a Fellow for her work to impact health and well-being by empowering architects to build better environments.

Liz York Lecture Flyer

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